martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Lilit Hovhannisyan - Te Axjik Lineir

Lilit Hovhannisyan was born on December 7, 1987 in Yerevan, Armenia. Her lifelong dream was to become a dress-designer, and she did her best to achieve this goal. Lilit’s life-turning encounter with music happened just because her father insisted on trying her abilities in the sphere of music. Lilit’s first step in this amazing world was marked by a great contest she took part for the first time in her whole life.

This new road was full of ups and downs for Lilit, but she was strong enough to overcome all the obstacles on her way, and prove that she deserved to be in the music industry. In 2002, Lilit left the music school. Afterwards, in 2005, she graduated from the department of vocal of the State Song Theatre of Armenia’s college. Later on, in 2011, Lilit graduated from the Yerevan State Musical Conservatory (YSC).

Early september she released a new song: Te Axjik Lineir which mixes pop-dance tunes with some folk, creating a really interesting music sound, but not new at all.

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